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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
For those of you playing the Brent Musburger drinking game ...
2008 is over ... here comes 2009
2008 was an interesting year, wasn't it?
Let's see ... our 401K's are now cut in half, we have a pending president that is not a white male for the first time ever, and we had some great moments in sports. Plus, Jen and I are experiencing parenthood for the first-time ever - and unless something wasn't tied right during the Caesarian, Alpha and Omega will be the only children in our household.
Needless to say, it's been an eventful year. A year in which America is resetting in so many ways. The world that I love so much and have as long as I can remember - media - is changing faster than any industry other than the automobile business. The way you consume your media is changing everyday. The way we produce media is changing everyday. The frequency and method with which your acquire a vehicle is going to change also.
I never thought media would change this fast, however, it is. I thought we'd be able to avoid the fate of the travel agent, yet we might be coming towards that cliff quicker than we thought.
I don't want to be one to make new year's predictions, but a minimum of 10 newspapers will declare bankruptcy next year.
I've worked at a couple newspapers in my media career and it was a great experience. The two best media companies I've worked for (current - Cox and former - Journal) were built by newspaper revenues.
However, the quote that sums up the newspaper was told to me by a professor at the University of Wisconsin named Jake Stockinger. He was an editor at the no longer daily Captial Times in Madison. He said you read the newspaper on Monday and wrapped the fish in it on Tuesday. It was true, but now I wonder what we're going to wrap the fish in?
When I started writing at newspapers and being on the radio, you had to work to get published or get "on-the-air." Now, anybody can have a website or start a podcast. We used to joke about audition tapes made with a Mr. Microphone. Now, some people with their Mr. Microphone set-ups and blogs are more influential than mainstream newspapers, radio shows, and television.
Let's not even talk about TV yet. That's going to be the ugliest media to shake out as we know it. Long-time anchors, weather people, and sellers are going to experience a different world very soon. Being #1 at 11 p.m. isn't going to matter when you can get your information on-demand.
Well, enough of the silliness, I have to finish watching the UH Cougars win their first bowl game since the Garden State Bowl in 1980. Yes, UW played at the Garden State Bowl in 1981.
And, Tony Barnhart, the best college football writer in America, officially put Brett Bielema on the hot seat in 2009 on a radio show the other day.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
End of the Year Pics
And it's been quite a 2008. Needless to say, our 401K is now a 200.5K - yet that doesn't matter too much since the boys are now with us.
Since some of you have asked, every once in a while you'll see pictures or videos online without a title or caption. That's because those photos are sent from a mobile phone and it's easier to send from the handheld and type the caption later then to type with thumbs. So this website is really an ever-evolving project, kind of like a life well lived.
Now onto the photos:
Derek and Spencer want to wish you a Happy New Year!
That's a funny joke Mom! I can't believe you'd say something like that about the Governor of Illinois!
I'm tired! Too much Christmas and too many bowl games.
I've graduated to the saucer. Still learning how to make this thing work. I'm sure mom and dad will have a video soon.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Shadow's Back
Friday, December 26, 2008
This guy should send Brett Bielema a Thank You Note
This is the Division I-AA team that took Wisconsin to overtime. Yes, former top 10 team almost gets beat by I-AA team. I-AA coach gets a big new job and larger paycheck.
Let me help with the note:
Dear Coach Bielema,
Thanks for canceling the game with Virginia Tech this year. That way, you scheduled my team. We made a trip to Wisconsin in late November. It was cold, but we got a seven-figure check from a guy named Barry Alvarez.
Your team also didn't show up to play. They thought it was a practice. My team played hard and should have won if only I'd had a kicker.
That performance on a cold Saturday in Madison earned me a chance to interview for bigger jobs. Now, I'm moving to Army to coach.
Coach Bielema, without your poor performance in November, I might not have been able to accept this position. I owe you a steak at the coaches convention next month.
Thanks for being an under-achiever Brett and allowing me to secure this new position for myself and my family.
Coach Ellerson
New Head Coach at the United States Military Institute
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Keis Christmas Feast
This is Dave Keiser, sales manager at WSB-AM. He's originally from St. Louis where he managed one of the top 5 rock radio stations in America. He's been in Atlanta for five years now.
Since his lovely wife is a nurse, they tend to be around the ATL during Christmas time. So, they host the annual "dysfunctional family x-mas" at their house on Christmas night. Jews, gentiles, and atheists come together for an evening of friends. Jen and I took the boys for a couple hours so they could meet more people and give Grandma and Grandpa a little break.
The menu at the Keis house was off-the-charts. From a tenderloin that would melt in your mouth to a heaping of Lobster Mac 'n' Cheese followed by cheesecake, we touched almost all the 5 food groups - pork, turkey, beef, dessert, and seafood.
Here's hoping everyone had a great holiday!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Shadow the Cat
Shadow was helping Jennifer decorate the tree. Shadow loves to climb into the Christmas tree whenever we'd put it up.
Shadow ran away the other night. She snuck out when we were in the garage and somehow managed to get out of the house. She's been gone for about 36 hours as I write this.
Shadow came into our lives in 2001 at our one-year anniversary. She was a stray kitten in our Houston apartment complex and decided she'd be our precious gift. She moved in with us and relocated with us to Katy (all seven miles). Shadow was 100-percent cat - playful, mischievious, and full of love.
She always had an adventurous streak and would jump the fence in Katy and visit the neighbors. When we moved to Atlanta in 2007, we knew if she got out, she probably wouldn't come back because of the wild animals and national park behind our house.
So, on Christmas Eve, keep a thought for Shadow that she either comes home to us or becomes a Christmas gift for another family who needs her more than we do at this moment.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Here's One Last Holiday Video
Looks like both Brett Favre and Aaron Rodgers will be home for New Year's Eve parties. No playoffs for them.
The Falcons are in the playoffs. Who would have figured that? Last year, they had a quarterback looking at time in the federal pen, a coach with questionable character, a lack of leadership everywhere else, and season ticket holders not returning their renewal slips. Funny what a fresh perspective can do for an organization or firm.
The Texans have a lot of work to do. And, it might start with a change in leadership for the second time in three seasons. I'm not sure Kubiak is the guy. He's a great story: local Houston high school star comes home to coach the NFL franchise. Too bad he's light years from the playoffs. Good thing for the Texans that the Astros are fast becoming an after-thought in the market.
Enough of the NFL highlights. Here's something you'd like:
Have a good week and a Happy Holiday!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Video of The Weasels performance
Here's video of The Weasels performance last night. Three account managers from the number one radio station in America are multi-talented and really can sing and play.
The best part of this video is at about 20-seconds when the dog comes into the scene and drops the tennis ball. The dog is thinking, "enough singing, somebody play with me."
The Weasels reunited for one night only
Last night, at one of the many holiday parties that have been occuring around the country, The Weasels got back together for a four-song performance.
The Weasels, taking their name from the sales weasels that we are all (see Neal Boortz), performed three of their holiday party classics and one new song just for 2008.
Spencer is finally asleep
Sometimes Spencer really doesn't like to sleep. Here, he fell asleep on mom's lap.
It took Jen 4 takes to get this photo to work. The first three were mostly of her T-Shirt.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Did you see this one?
How do you think this conversation went with Obama?
Obama: I'd like you to be the Interior Secretary, Mr. Salazar.
Salazar: I'll take it, however I have one request.
Obama: Okay?
Salazar: I need to wear a cowboy hat for the press conference.
Obama: They didn't really teach me how to respond to that at Harvard or Columbia.
Got a better caption? Post it below.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
It snowed in the South
Well, it snowed in Houston last week. Here's a picture from our second alma mater, the University of Houston campus with the evidence. It's one of the cougars near the E. Cullen Building.
Still no snow in Atlanta yet. We'll see what the winter brings.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Derek & Spencer's 3 Month Pictures

Hey Spencer, those are some pretty cool shoes you've got on there.

The photographer called this one her "Money Shot".

Check out my hair.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Spencer's 6-Pack of NFL Picks
He'll be back for the bowl season which probably kicks off on 12/15 with the Dyersville Iowa Corn Fritter Bowl.
Oh, that's not a bowl yet?
Well, here's my prediction after working closely with the Houston Bowl over the years: there will be a number of bowls that do not exist next year.
The current economic climate in America will not make ticket sales or sponsorship sales very easy on the local level. And, participating teams won't travel as well this year.
ESPN will be the saving grace for a number of these bowls. The Worldwide Leader already owns five bowls. It could pick up a few others. The Texas Bowl is owned by a subsidary of the Houston Texans operating group. There's something like 35+ bowl games and it's an even money bet that there will be less games after the 2009 season.
Now, Spencer is sitting at 21-9 picking NFL games. Last Sunday was tough as he went 3-3 as almost every home team lost last weekend - unless they played on Thursday, Sunday Night, or MNF.
This week allows for a match-up of Spencer's mom's two teams (No, not the Jets) - the Packers and the Texans. So, with further delay, here are our picks:
Houston at Green Bay - While it would have been great for Mom and Dad to be at this game, it's too difficult to coordinate travel at this time of year with 102-day old babies. The Texans should put up a little bit of a fight. And, the Packers secondary will struggle with Andre Johnson. Packers win though.
Bears over Jacksonville - Daddy's google weather widget says it's 12-degrees in Chicago. That means it's about minus 15 at the spaceship. Bears win.
Pittsburgh over Dallas. No comment. Too many bad memories for Daddy from the 70s and Terry Bradshaw over Roger Staubach.
Atlanta over New Orleans. Take the over and take the Dirty Birds to win.
My last two picks:
Minnesota beats Detroit. Maybe somebody can bailout the Ford Family from the ownership of the Lions with a bridge loan.
New England over Seattle. The Patriots don't lose two in a row.
Have a happy Sunday!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
New pictures
Hello Mr. Elephant. I'm Derek. I heard about this former Heisman Trophy winner who got sentenced to jail for a number of charges in Nevada. It was on CNN today. I also heard that he was acquitted of murdering his wife in 1994 and that about the same time he went on a slow-speed chase around Los Angeles. Seriously. Mr. Elephant, I can't make this stuff up!
Boy, Spencer, that's a funny joke! That Charlie Sheen show sure makes me laugh. All those jokes about bodily functions are funny!