Here are some new pictures of Derek and Spencer:
This is Baby A ...

Here's Baby B ...

We have an idea about which one is which, yet we're not announcing that as it doesn't matter to anyone.
And, I couldn't resist posting the photo below, taken during ESPN's Made-For-TV Titletown promotion.
You can comment all you want about the "fluff" that is "Titletown" on ESPN. However, it is one part of the future of media. We can debate that another day.
There are two reasons for mentioning Titletown on this blog and neither have anything to do with Green Bay (sometimes the most talented are the biggest headaches, right media people? This is our only Favre reference).
First, I wanted to take a minute to point something out to all the Michigan fans on this weblog.
ESPN came to your school for a full day of FREE public relations and promotions. There were pictures of the Fab 5 (oh, wait - according to the NCAA that team didn't exist); Robinson and Rice in the 1989 Final Four; Desmond; Bo; and more.
It was the type of marketing that Rich Rodriguez could only dream about as he wears his wizard hat and peddles his snakeoils (see comment by Purdue coach Joe Tiller).
Well Michigan fans, next time the thought-leader in the world of colleges and sports comes to town with Gameday or another show, put some good-looking people behind the set.
Maybe some cheerleaders.
Maybe a frat guy or sorority girl.
Hire some models if necessary.
But, please don't put the escapees from the engineering school behind the set.
See for yourself:
These guys behind the unknown ESPN talent look like:
1) They haven't kissed a girl since arriving in Ann Arbor
2) Probably know more about the square root of 155,563 than a 3-pointer (394.41)
3) Couldn't find their way to Ashley's Restaurant and Pub for a malted beverage
4) Have never heard of Trash Can Punch (Wopatulli for you Badgers)
5) Have a definition of the Walk of Shame that is different than yours-and-mine
Second, the winner was Valdosta, Georgia.
And Valdosta has something to do with our twins.
Yes, it's true.
Valdosta is where we found out Jennifer was pregnant - we didn't know it was twins at the time. We were on our way to the Walt Disney World Marathon in January and that happen to be where the test was administered. So, Derek and Spencer will always have a connection to Valdosta.
I know, it seems strange we don't identify Baby A vs. Baby B yet will tell you where the UPT was used.