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Monday, July 28, 2008

New Pictures 7-28-2008

Jen went to the doctor today and everything is fine. She's been ordered to take it easy. No more dog walks, no more pool time, and to stay off her feet for the next six weeks. For someone as active as Jennifer, that's going to be real hard. However, I have a feeling she'll do fine.

Here are some new pictures of Derek and Spencer:

This is Baby A ...

Here's Baby B ...

We have an idea about which one is which, yet we're not announcing that as it doesn't matter to anyone.

And, I couldn't resist posting the photo below, taken during ESPN's Made-For-TV Titletown promotion.

You can comment all you want about the "fluff" that is "Titletown" on ESPN. However, it is one part of the future of media. We can debate that another day.

There are two reasons for mentioning Titletown on this blog and neither have anything to do with Green Bay (sometimes the most talented are the biggest headaches, right media people? This is our only Favre reference).

First, I wanted to take a minute to point something out to all the Michigan fans on this weblog.

ESPN came to your school for a full day of FREE public relations and promotions. There were pictures of the Fab 5 (oh, wait - according to the NCAA that team didn't exist); Robinson and Rice in the 1989 Final Four; Desmond; Bo; and more.

It was the type of marketing that Rich Rodriguez could only dream about as he wears his wizard hat and peddles his snakeoils (see comment by Purdue coach Joe Tiller).

Well Michigan fans, next time the thought-leader in the world of colleges and sports comes to town with Gameday or another show, put some good-looking people behind the set.

Maybe some cheerleaders.

Maybe a frat guy or sorority girl.

Hire some models if necessary.

But, please don't put the escapees from the engineering school behind the set.

See for yourself:

These guys behind the unknown ESPN talent look like:

1) They haven't kissed a girl since arriving in Ann Arbor
2) Probably know more about the square root of 155,563 than a 3-pointer (394.41)
3) Couldn't find their way to Ashley's Restaurant and Pub for a malted beverage
4) Have never heard of Trash Can Punch (Wopatulli for you Badgers)
5) Have a definition of the Walk of Shame that is different than yours-and-mine

Second, the winner was Valdosta, Georgia.

And Valdosta has something to do with our twins.

Yes, it's true.

Valdosta is where we found out Jennifer was pregnant - we didn't know it was twins at the time. We were on our way to the Walt Disney World Marathon in January and that happen to be where the test was administered. So, Derek and Spencer will always have a connection to Valdosta.

I know, it seems strange we don't identify Baby A vs. Baby B yet will tell you where the UPT was used.


Monday, July 21, 2008

2 Fun Photos

Well, it looks like there's a hurricane in the gulf. Or, soon to be a hurricane. I've been a fan of storms like this since undergrad at the University of Wisconsin.

Dolly will hit mostly undeveloped ranch land in south Texas. It will make landfall in the general vicinity of the ranch where Dick Cheney shot that dude.

Here's the latest photo from above:

It got me thinking about two of our tropical weather experiences: Allison and Rita. While there were others (one with plenty of rain on a Friday night & another midday while on the 7th floor at 9801 Westheimer), Rita and Allison were the notable events.

I decided to dig out these photos. Here's Rita:

I missed the evacuation. Jen didn't.

Here's Allison's aftermath. I was on the golf course. Jen wasn't.


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Some Videos (of Jen's Belly)

We have no doctor visits this week so no more pictures of Derek and Spencer. We'll have to wait until the week of 7/28. It's been relatively quiet for the last few weeks as we wait for the babies to arrive - and then I think it won't be quiet until 2028.

Jen and I did a little hiking and here's a video of Astro the Dog navigating the rocks along Rottenwood Creek. Rottenwood Creek is about 0.35 miles west of our place as we sit on a hill between Rottenwood Creek and the Chattahoochee River.

I hope you noticed Jen's belly. Many have asked about it and here it is on video.

Here's another video from the creek. It shows the flow before a big rain and after two inches of rain. You'll notice a stack of rocks across the creek from where I shot the film. That is the runs of a mill that dates back to the time before the War Between the States when the area was mostly inhabited by Native Americans and a few settlers from the northern states.

Enjoy! Have a good week. Watch for more posts soon.


Sunday, July 13, 2008

A New Video

Well, we're just waiting for the babies to come in about 8 weeks. So we're grounded in Atlanta for a few weeks (or months).

Jen and I are fortunate enough to live along the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area. The video below is from the rock behind our house over the weekend. Notice the geese flying through at the beginning of the video.

I was there with Jen. Astro was there and you heard him bark at the end. Astro is not a fan of people swimming. Fortunately, his eyes are so bad he can't see that far - only hear the splash. Otherwise, he would have flipped out. The gentlemen and one lady on the rock were college-aged and enjoying a couple malted beverages.

Nothing else is really new here. We picked up the house over the weekend as we prepare for the arrival of Derek John and Spencer Michael.

Below is one last video Jen and I saw on Friday night when we stayed up way too late. I don't think this was Jen's father driving the fifth wheel.

See more funny videos and funny pictures on CollegeHumor


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

New Pics From the Machine

Isn't it amazing how far we've come on the technology end? Jen and I didn't even get hard copies of these photos. The nurse who administered the ultrasound just emailed Jen the photos from Tuesday's appointment.

The photos aren't the greatest, but everything is growing as it should.

Here are some photos ...

What else is up?

- Other than the fact that we're expecting children, I felt real old last week when I stopped in the liquor store to grab some beer before the 4th of July. The sign behind the counter said "In Order To Buy Tobacco Products, You Must Be Born Before July 3, 1990." That was the year I graduated from high school. So, I guess that means I'm old.

By the way, what was the #1 song in 1990? Sinead O'Connor, the Vatican's favorite pop singer. It was really her only hit.

What was song #100? "Knockin' Boots" by Candyman.

That was risque back then. Now, it's just standard pop culture fare on our Top 40 / Hip Hop station.

- Here's a great piece on how Ozzie Guillen answers emails from fans. Email him today:

That's all for now! More soon.


Some have asked, why is the -30- at the end of your entries?

It's an old newsroom trick to signify the end of the copy that the reporter is turning into the editor. And since newspapers are dying in front of our eyes, it's my little salute to the past.

If you don't believe me about newspapers dying, trust me, they are. The fish wrapper you see today is different than the fish wrapper I put out 13-years ago. The fish wrapper you see today will be vastly different than the fish wrapper you see in two years. It costs a lot of money to drive the trucks, run the presses, and buy the newsprint. By the time the paper hits your doorstep, it's old news. You got it electronically from a broadcast outlet, you email, or a webpage like this. Plus, classifieds are gone. Thank Larry, Sergey, and Craig for that.

It saddens me because one of my favorite things in life is to wake up on a Sunday morning and read the sports section with columns, notebooks, and stats. One Sunday morning earlier this year I had my revelation about newspapers and the future of media. Jen had gone to bed early on a Saturday night (she's pregnant after all). I stayed up, watched a game, then Sportscenter, and had the laptop working. I was caught up when I went to bed.

I woke up the next morning, grabbed the AJC off the step, looked through the sports section, and learned nothing. I was done. My love affair with the fish wrapper was over - just like that.

Gotta go ...

No, really now ...


Sunday, July 6, 2008

More Pictures

Jen and I went to the ball game last night as the Astros were in town to play the Braves. Neither team is very good this year. Take Chipper out of the Braves lineup and they're a Triple A ballclub. The Astros as an aging crew with zero pitching.

Enjoy the pictures!

The grounds crew waits to wipe the infield.

Some views of Turner Field and downtown.

The pregnant lady at the ballgame.