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Monday, March 30, 2009


We're wrestling.


At the zoo with our new friend Ani.


Waiting for mom to get us dressed.


Mom took us to the Mall of America last week. We can't wait to be big enough to go on the rides.


I'm becoming very mobile, can't wait until I can crawl.


Look how good we hold our bottles now.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009



Lunch at Cheesecake Factory.


I played hard this morning.


One last hike to the river.

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I love McDonald's fries...

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I'm in WI now...

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Hi daddy, grandpa is reading to us while grandma makes the old people dinner. We already had our oatmeal & sweet potatos.

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Hi daddy, Ellie & I are playing in the gym.

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All 4 cousins

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Good morning, love S.

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Good morning daddy, love D.

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Spencer loves Ellie.

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Look at me daddy, I'm driving the fire truck...

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Nap time with grandma.

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I can hold my own bottle now.

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Taking a nap on my Great Aunt Pearl's shoulder.

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Great Grandma

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Note: To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime® 6.5 or higher is required.

FW:Move to MN

We just got to our new home in MN.

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It's our first hike around the lake.

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Note: To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime� 6.5 or higher is required.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Installment #2 - 3 things like/dislike

Here's the second installment of the three things I liked this week and the three things I didn't like this week.

I liked this week:
#1 - Being back in the Midwest. After 10 years in Texas and Georgia, it's good to be back in the Midwest. Something just feels right. It could have been Mike and Jen Simon's hospitality.

#2 - U2 on Letterman this week. I've seen this band from Ireland five times and every show has been memorable. With apologies to Mick, U2 qualifies as the greatest rock band in history. This last week on Dave's show proved it over and over again.

#3 - Derek and Spencer's Six Month Pictures. I posted a link to D&S's pics on Jen's page and got some comments from you. I know I’m a rookie parent, yet it's funny how your kids can always brighten your day.

I didn't like this week:

#1 - The Stock Market. I started officially working in 1997. So much for putting money away each year to watch it grow in your maxed out 401K.

#2 - Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. I spent a lot of time traveling this week.

From 3 inches of snow in Atlanta with a cancelled flight to a trip from Madison to Minneapolis that featured rain, sleet, ice, and snow, it was really Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. All is good now and we're safely in the Midwest. Our belongings are the mover's problem and liability.

#3 - Writing a eulogy for our middle cat Moses.

Moses passed away on the drive to Minneapolis with an undisclosed illness and is now buried by a tree at Amy Lalor's house in Milwaukee.

Moses was a rescue kitty from the Milwaukee Humane Society. He probably would have been destroyed before Jen brought him home.

Moses gave Jen and I more than we gave him.

Moses was the cat that always hid under the bed and only came to you when he needed attention. And, when he needed attention, it was usually on the ledge of the staircase and we went running to him.

It's been a few years since I spent time with some Native American literature, yet the circle is very important in the Native American world. A circle has no beginning or end. It continues forever and is unbreakable.

In a way, Moses' life is now a completed circle and he'll always be with us.


Sunday, March 1, 2009


Slush on the street.

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The boys first snowman.

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Spaz in the snow.

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Ground stopped in Atlanta

Hanging in the terminal ...


Snow out the back door.

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snow on the deck.

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More Snow in Atlanta

Snow in Atlanta

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Our last walk to the river.

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Look at me, I can sit up all by myself now.

My shirt is a mess from eating a biscuit.

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