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Wednesday, March 31, 2010
It was so nice out that Mom let us wear shorts & go barefoot. Actually, the only reason we're barefoot is because we took our socks and shoes off on our own.
One Shoe On & One Shoe Off
I started taking my shoes and socks off Derek grabbed my ball. So I stopped, grabbed my stick and went after him.
Derek The Little Hoarder.
Mom found the bucket of balls in the garage. I was able to grab 5, but I still want the 2 that Spencer has.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
East Egg Tree
Today, dad took us to Eau Claire to visit Aunt Peggy and Great Grandma. We left mom behind so she could finish the taxes. After lunch, we had so much fun playing outside at Aunt Peggy's house. We found some hockey sticks and were figuring out how to use them and then we helped Aunt Peggy put Easter Eggs on her tree out front.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Jamma Time?
Spencer didn't want his pants back on after I changed his diaper so I let him round around without them. A few minutes later he comes out of his room carrying his PJ's.
Spencer's Meltdown
Spencer wants to go outside but it's too cold. His hands turned to ice cubes in 10 mins.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Maple Grove Community Center Playland
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Awesome Park
We went to a new park yesterday, it was so awesome. We loved running on the bouncy bridges.
Monday, March 22, 2010
D in Mom's Boot
We're getting ready to go to the store I put on Mom's boot instead of mine. Boy it's hard to walk in her shoes.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Outside Fun
We've got our balls and are playing outside. Now that it's getting warmer we need more toys to play with out side.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Down the Slide
Watch me go down the slide. I like to go on my stomach feet first, it makes it easy to get off at the bottom.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
18 Month Check Up
We had our 18 month check up today. Mom said we took our shots like champs so she rewarded us with Culvers for lunch. The Dr. says that even though we're skinny, he's not concerned because we're growing consistently and we're good eaters. He's more concerned with the really chubby babies that come in. Here are our stats: Derek: 33.25 inches (50%), 21lbs 3oz (3-5%), head size 49.7 cm (90-95%). Spencer: 31.5 inches (25%), 20lbs, 13oz (less than 3%), head size 49.5 cm (90%).
When we woke up from our naps this afternoon, mom was out voted 3-1 to go to the park instead of the gym, so she loaded us up in the stroller, put the leash on Astro and off we went. We hadn't been there very long when our next door neighbor showed up. She'll be 3 next month and is excited to have some new play mates. We already have a play date set up for tomorrow afternoon. She has a big swing set in her backyard that we're always asking mom to go play on. Here are Sarah and I on the fire engine.
When we woke up from our naps this afternoon, mom was out voted 3-1 to go to the park instead of the gym, so she loaded us up in the stroller, put the leash on Astro and off we went. We hadn't been there very long when our next door neighbor showed up. She'll be 3 next month and is excited to have some new play mates. We already have a play date set up for tomorrow afternoon. She has a big swing set in her backyard that we're always asking mom to go play on. Here are Sarah and I on the fire engine.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Swinging in the Park
The boys are too big to fit in the babyswing together this year. However, they don't mind sitting in the highback swing.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The Park is Open for the Season
Happy Birthday Mike
This year, we spent Mike's Birthday driving from Janesville to Minneapolis. I was looking at pictures on my camera and found the ones from Mike's Birthday last year. It was the first time he'd celebrated his birthday in Madison since he was in college. It was also one of our first nights out on the town without the kids since my parents were nice enough to watch them for us.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Footprints in the Snow
The snow is finally starting to melt, so we went and hung out on the back patio for a while this morning. It was the first time the boys actually walked through snow. It took a while to get used to the unevenness, but soon became pros at it.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
New Boots
Mom & Dad took us to Perkins for lunch today. There was a short wait so we walked around outside for a little while. Everyone thought our new boots were really cute.
Up Too Early
Spencer woke me up too early this morning. Doesn't he understand the concept of sleeping in on the weekends?
Saturday, March 6, 2010
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