Jen has asked me to post photos of her belly since everyone is asking to have a peek. So, what better photos to use than from the beautiful beaches of Destin.
Here's a photo of the beach and The Back Porch right on the beach. Jen and I had lunch there on Saturday.
Google Search Box
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Photos from Florida
Monday, June 23, 2008
When was the last time you saw one of these ...

TV Pick: Watch VH-1's I Love The New Millenium ... It's hard to imagine that pop culture has been this junky since Y2K.
Pictures from Destin later this week!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Time to write a little more
Jen and I had three great baby showers around Memorial Day weekend in Wisconsin and Chicago. Thanks to our sisters, parents, and friends for coordinating these events. It's fun to see everyone and share in the anticipation of the arrival of the twin boys.
Here's where I start to mention names and I need to add a disclaimer. If I miss you, blame it on the pregnancy. Yes, I can make that excuse too.
Amie, Carrie, and Julie for setting up the shower on 5/24 in Brookfield. It was a great day - especially since my father, father-in-law, and brother-in-law could sneak away to Saz's and skip the baby shower games.
I also left early to visit Bratfest in Madison, actually I had to pick up my number for the Madison Marathon. Then, I went and stood backstage at the event with old colleagues - like Bonnie Oleson.
I've stood backstage at every event you can imagine - from NBA games to U2 concerts - and the same axiom is always true: there are two types of people backstage - those standing around doing nothing and those standing around complaining. There is no third category. Don't fool yourself or believe the hype.
The Madison Half-Marathon was a great event for me. Pretty course and a good run. Plus, I know the city and the course like the back of my hand. I have a story for almost every corner. From the start at the capitol in front of Inn on the Park to the stretches along Breese Terrace and Lakeshore Path to the Beer Ball Field in Vilas Park, running Madison always brings back a ton of memories. So does this Kenny Chesney song.
I missed by best time in a 13.1-mile run by 3 minutes and 20 seconds. And Madison does not qualify as a flat course. I also had a little Big Brown in me that day. I pushed it midway through the race and if I died, I'd limp to the finish. Fortunately I didn't die like Big Brown during the Belmont.
Then on Monday, it was a shower with friends at Troy and Kelly Watros' groovy house in Racine. We loved their house and pool plus it was great to see everyone.
I flew back to Atlanta and worked Wednesday through Friday. Then came back to Milwaukee to meet Jen, hang with Aime and Eric, and attend the shower put on by Jill, Jessie, Kathy, and others on Saturday. Sunday, June 1, Jen and I drove back to Atlanta - whew!
I was in Orlando for work last week for 20 hours. The highlight was a $90 cab ride. I should have rented a car.
On Saturday, Jen and I rafted the river behind our house. It was a good four-hour, five-mile float with minimal rapids and lots of wildlife. We saw rats, snakes, herons, geese, ducks, fish, muskrats, and Astro.
We didn't see any bears, but someone one mile from our house hit one with their car. Click here to read more.
Here's a picture of me before jumping off the cliff behind our house (hit the pic for a bigger view):
Here's a picture of me after jumping off the cliff behind our house:
So, Jen and I head to Destin this weekend. Pictures of white sand and blue water next week.
Oh, and before I go, I wish I could have watched the playoff today for the U.S. Open. Alas, I had to make some things happen at the office. However, in an overused phrase, it was one for the ages. I remember watching the 2000 PGA Championship with Tiger and Bob May in Louisville. I'll remember watching Tiger on Saturday night sink putt-after-putt to take the lead. The unique part of this weekend's event was that it happened in prime time on the east coast.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
New Pictures - June 10
Jen and I returned to the specialist for what turned out to be a routine visit. I guess that's good when they say everything is OK.
There are pictures below. Baby A is on the bottom.
The nurse practicioner also said Jen can float down the Chattahoochee River this weekend in a raft. We'll have pictures of that coming up, along with some videos. Then again, if it rains, they'll be no rafting as the Hooch is an urban river that fills up with everything you can imagine (I mean think real hard about this) when it rains heavy 36-hours prior to a float. If you follow the link, the picture on the right of the page is 800 yards down the hill from our house. And, on that page there's a mention of Trout Lilly Creek which runs 50 feet out our back door.
Anytime I think of floating on the Hooch or swimming, I get the Alan Jackson song in my head.
On to the pictures ... Here's Baby B:
Here's Baby A ...

Off to Orlando for the night on Wednesday. If I get bored in the hotel, I might post about our trip to Wisconsin and the wonderful baby showers that were held. Or, that might just wait until this weekend.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Connor eats a noodle
Watch this video shot on my Motorola Q phone! They didn't have these in 1972 when I was born. It was more like this. (OK Dad, click the link to read about Super 8 mm formats).
More news from our travels north later this week!