Jen and I returned to the specialist for what turned out to be a routine visit. I guess that's good when they say everything is OK.
There are pictures below. Baby A is on the bottom.
The nurse practicioner also said Jen can float down the Chattahoochee River this weekend in a raft. We'll have pictures of that coming up, along with some videos. Then again, if it rains, they'll be no rafting as the Hooch is an urban river that fills up with everything you can imagine (I mean think real hard about this) when it rains heavy 36-hours prior to a float. If you follow the link, the picture on the right of the page is 800 yards down the hill from our house. And, on that page there's a mention of Trout Lilly Creek which runs 50 feet out our back door.
Anytime I think of floating on the Hooch or swimming, I get the Alan Jackson song in my head.
On to the pictures ... Here's Baby B:
Here's Baby A ...

Off to Orlando for the night on Wednesday. If I get bored in the hotel, I might post about our trip to Wisconsin and the wonderful baby showers that were held. Or, that might just wait until this weekend.
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