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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Something New: 3 Things I like and 3 Things I didn't like

Let's try something new.

Here are three things I liked this week and three things I didn't like this week.

The views and opinions expressed in this piece are mine and mine alone and do not represent the thoughts of anyone other than Mike Paterson.

What I liked:

1, President Obama's message in Tuesday's address about every American committing to an additional year of education. As the world and job market shrink and change, talent - and how you activate that talent - is going to separate you from others. Continuing education is one method to activate our unique and individual talents.

2, House of Cards on CNBC. If you have a chance to see this documentary, see it. DVR it. It puts a perspective into how we got into this economic mess. When Greenspan says "I have a strong math background and I don't understand some of these swaps and derivatives." That could be a sign of trouble.

3, The words of thanks from my colleagues in Atlanta. As I leave for new adventures, it's great to know that my two years in Atlanta made a difference.

What I didn't like:

1, The Octuplet Mother. Stay off the TV and internet. Spend time with those children. My blood pressure rises every time I see her. A year ago, this would not have happened. It's funny how kids change you.

2, The passing of two American media institutions: Paul Harvey and the American Newspaper (The Rocky Mountain News shut down on Friday by writing its own obituary). Scott Slade said it best on Atlanta's Morning News on WSB-AM Tuesday morning, "We need to get ready for a world without newspapers." Paul Harvey was the voice coming out of the radio for at least three generations: mine, my father's, and my grandfather's.

3, My last meal at Taco Mac as a resident of Atlanta. While it's sad to leave the ATL, new adventures await in MSP (and new restaurants).


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