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Friday, December 26, 2008

This guy should send Brett Bielema a Thank You Note

Army named the head coach at Cal Poly Cougar Mellencamp head coach today.

This is the Division I-AA team that took Wisconsin to overtime. Yes, former top 10 team almost gets beat by I-AA team. I-AA coach gets a big new job and larger paycheck.

Let me help with the note:

Dear Coach Bielema,

Thanks for canceling the game with Virginia Tech this year. That way, you scheduled my team. We made a trip to Wisconsin in late November. It was cold, but we got a seven-figure check from a guy named Barry Alvarez.

Your team also didn't show up to play. They thought it was a practice. My team played hard and should have won if only I'd had a kicker.

That performance on a cold Saturday in Madison earned me a chance to interview for bigger jobs. Now, I'm moving to Army to coach.

Coach Bielema, without your poor performance in November, I might not have been able to accept this position. I owe you a steak at the coaches convention next month.

Thanks for being an under-achiever Brett and allowing me to secure this new position for myself and my family.


Coach Ellerson
New Head Coach at the United States Military Institute


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